SUPERFEST International Media Festival on Disabilities is an annual media festival produced by Culture! Disability! Talent! (CDT). SUPERFEST honors works that positively and realistically portray the disability experience or warrant technical merit. The following contains a list and description of the award winners of SUPERFEST XVIII (1998).
For more information about next year's festival, please contact us at [email protected]
Superfest XVIII Award Winner's List
Best of Festival
Awards of Excellence
- Disabled Women: Visions & Voices
- House Gang: "Nightmare"
- Self-Advocacy: Freedom, Equality & Justice for All
Spirit of Superfest (works by makers with disabilities)
- Disabled Women: Visions & Voices
- The Ten Commandments of Communicating with People with Disabilities
Awards of Achievement
- BABYARM (God Won?)
- I Belong Out There
- Living Without Limits
- Loud, Proud & Passionate
- The Paradox Event
- Vital Signs: Crip Culture Talks Back
- Voices in a Deaf Theater
Awards of Merit (Content)
- Beyond Access
- Collaborating for Change: Instructional Strategies for All Students
- In the Groove
- Mickey Spencer, Visual Artist
- No Apologies
- The Power of 504
- The Ten Commandments of Communicating with People with Disabilities
- When Billy Broke His Head...and other tales of wonder
Awards of Merit (Technical)
Description of Award Winners
Title: B-Ball -- The Team That Never Lost A Game (video, 44 min.)
Producer: Dirk Dirksen
Distributor: Dirk Dirksen 744 Treat Ave., San Francisco, CA 94110 (415) 206-1621
Content: This video relates a true story about a Special Olympic Basketball Team that cheats! How else can you explain their record of 135 wins, 0 defeats, 1 tie, 3 arrests, and only 2 convictions? Through the entertaining, one-man stage performance of the coach, meet the center who hugs his opponents and the guard who thinks he's Elvis...this is a testimony to the sports adage, "There's more ways to win than finishing first!"
Superfest Award(s): Award of Merit (Technical)
Purchase Price: $29.95, plus $2.55 tax and $3.50 shipping and handling
Title: BABYARM (God Won?) (video, 20 min.)
Producer: Yuri Ukon
Distributor: Yuri Ukon 117 West Trinity Lane, Nashville, TN 37207 (212) 358-3758 or (615) 226-4093 [email protected]
Content: A documentary/Avant-Garde film about a Japanese girl with a disability who had a hard time in her own country and is trying to face hardship and find her real self in America.
Superfest Award(s): Award of Achievement
Purchase Price: $10
Title: Beyond Access (video, 8 min.)
Producer: The Millay Colony for the Arts and Sharon Greytak
Distributor: The Millay Colony for the Arts [ATTN: Ann-Ellen Lesser] 444 East Hill Rd., Austerlitz, NY 12017 (518) 392-4144 [email protected]
Content: This video is about the first Universal Design building conceived and built at American artists' colony. With this building, the Millay Colony can accommodate artists with disabilities as well as those without disabilities. It's a good introduction to Universal Design. (Printed materials accompany the video.) [closed captioned]
Superfest Award(s): Award of Merit (Content)
Purchase Price: NFS
Rental: To Be Arranged
Title: The Chariot Races (video, 27 min.)
Producer: Christian Schneider
Distributor: Live Wire Media [ATTN: Christine Hollender] 3450 Sacramento St., San Francisco, CA 94118 (415) 759-3900 [email protected]
Content: John Davis is a Paralympic Gold Medallist ski racer and pioneer of the sport of off-road wheelchair racing. Using high-tech adaptive sports equipment, John and his fellow athletes push the limits in outdoor sports. Action highlights include World Championship ski racing in the Alps, off-road wheelchair racing on the NORBA downhill circuit, and a high-speed joyride through the streets of San Francisco. (Discussion guide included.) [closed captioned]
Superfest Award(s): Award of Merit (Technical) Previous Awards: Silver Apple, National Educational Media Network; People's Choice, Telluride Mountain Film Festival; Best of Festival, International Ski Film Festival
Purchase Price: $69.95 institutions, $29.95 for inds. with disabilities
Title: Collaborating for Change: Instructional Strategies for All Students (video, 20 min.)
Producer: San Francisco Unified School District, Dept. of Special Ed.
Distributor: TS Media [ATTN: Alan Broussard] 300 Seneca Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 (415) 452-4634, x3119 [email protected]
Content: Throughout this video, educators offer instructional strategies as well as classroom practices for developing a successful inclusion program. The importance of curriculum modification and the value of cooperative learning are discussed. [closed captioned]
Superfest Award(s): Award of Merit (Content)
Purchase Price: $145
Title: Disabled Women: Visions and Voices (video, 12:40 min.)
Producer: Patricia Chadwick and Suzanne C. Levine
Distributor: Suzanne C. Levine P.O. 22115, San Francisco, CA 94122 (415) 387-0617 [email protected]
Content: This work showcases the emergence and power of "group strength" among women with disabilities from around the world. This audio and photo documentary shows experiences and accomplishments achieved at the U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women and the NGO Forum in Beijing, China, 1995. It demonstrates the diversity and commonalty of women's issues. (Printed materials included.) [open captioned]
Superfest Award(s): Award of Excellence; Spirit of Superfest
Purchase Price: Sliding: Individuals $18-30; Organizations $45-75
Title: EPA Poisons EPA: My Sister's Story (video, 26:40 min.)
Producer: Therese Svoboda
Distributor: Therese Svoboda 56 Ludlow, New York, NY 10002 (212) 477-3966 [email protected]
Content: Amy Svoboda, a lawyer with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), was permanently disabled on the job -- not from visiting hazardous waste dumps, her doctors say, but from working in the agency's toxic D.C. office building. This video documents her story and gives information about how 25 million Americans are exposed to similar dangers.
Superfest Award(s): Award of Merit (Technical)
Purchase Price: $30
Title: House Gang "Nightmare" (video, 26 min.)
Producer: Gaby Mason
Distributor: Film Australia 101 Eton Rd., Lindfield, New S. Wales 2070, Australia 61-2-9413-8777 mailto:[email protected]
Content: An irreverent and frequently riotous look at group living in the '90s. Three young people with intellectual disabilities are forced to share their rented house with a bankrupt builder and his vitriolic daughter. A richly wayward comedy of foiled expectations ensues. (one in a TV series)
Superfest Award(s): Award of Excellence Previous Awards: Golden Angel, Festif Television, France; Bronze Apple, NEMN
Purchase Price: To Be Arranged
Title: I Belong Out There (video, 24:11 min.)
Producer: Irene M. Ward & Assoc.
Distributor: Program Development Associates (PDA) [ATTN: Perry Como] 5620 Business Ave., Suite B, Cicero, NY 13039 (800) 543-2119 [email protected]
Content: Clyde, a man with developmental disabilities, demonstrates a full life and introduces other active people with disabilities. He shows how hobbies, education, sports and volunteering build friendships, self-advocacy skills, and a sense of belonging in a community. (Printed materials included.) [open and closed captioning available, audio described with open caption]
Superfest Award(s): Award of Achievement
Previous Awards: Silver Cindy, International Assoc. of AV Communicators
Purchase Price: $99
Title: In the Groove (video, 30 min.)
Producer: Liane Yasumoto, Jack Walsh, KTOP, and Ceda Floyd, Executive Producers
Distributor: KTOP [ATTN: Jack Walsh] City Hall, 2nd Floor, Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 238-3960 WALSH#[email protected]
Content: This is a variety format talk show hosted by actress Liane Yasumoto. The program explores topics for people both with and without disabilities. The episode submitted to Superfest focuses on the Oakland Ice Center and includes interviews with professional figure skaters and their trainers, and a segment on ice skating for people with disabilities.
Superfest Award(s): Award of Merit (Content)
Purchase Price: N/A
Title: Living Without Limits (audio cassette, 30 min.)
Producer: National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Distributor: National Multiple Sclerosis Society [ATTN: Bill Rosen] 733 3rd Avenue, New York, NY 10017 (212) 476-0462 [email protected]
Content: This video was created and hosted by Bob Enteen, Ph.D. This radio show is devoted to cutting-edge issues of disability and aging. Broadcast by public radio stations and radio reading services for blind persons nationwide, over 150 programs have featured 700 of the nation's leading experts on disability issues. (This segment was about dance.)
Superfest Award(s): Award of Achievement
Purchase Price: NFS
Title: Loud Proud, & Passionate (video, 22 min.)
Producer: Dana Vion; Mobility International USA, Executive Producer
Distributor: Mobility International USA [ATTN: Susan Sygall] P.O. 10767, Eugene, OR 97440 (541) 343-1284 V/TDD mailto:[email protected]
Content: This video highlights the vision and determination of women with disabilities from over 25 countries who participated in Mobility International USA's 1997 Women's Institute on Leadership and Disability. In cross disability training sessions, outdoor challenge activities and cultural celebrations, participants articulate issues, strategies, and the power of a growing international disabled women's movement. [open captioned]
Superfest Award(s): Award of Achievement
Purchase Price: $49
Title: Mickey Spencer, Visual Artist (video, 15 min.)
Producer: LVA: Lesbians in the Visual Arts
Distributor: LVA: Lesbians in the Visual Arts [ATTN: Happy Hyder] 870 Market St., #618, San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 788-6118
Content: Visual artist Mickey Spencer is home-bound as a result of environmental barriers. She paints with paper because traditional painting media have become toxic for her. In 1997, the Lesbians in the Visual Arts salon entitled "Disability and the Lesbian Artist" brought disabled and non-disabled artists together. This video interview facilitated her participation.
Superfest Award(s): Award of Merit (Content)
Purchase Price: $25
Rental: To Be Arranged
Title: My Country (video, 56 min.)
Producer: Phyllis Ward
Distributor: Acquarius Productions, Inc. 5 Powder House Lane, P.O.1159, Sherborn, MA 01770 (508) 651-2963
Content: This video profiles three people with disabilities: Kathy Martinez, a disability rights activist; Hughey Walker, the first minority elected official in his South Carolina county; and T.J. Monroe, the first person with a disability to serve on the President's Committee for Mental Retardation. It is hosted by symphony conductor James DePreist, who contracted polio as a young man; fifty years after his aunt, Marion Anderson, was barred from performing at Constitution Hall (1939), the ADA enabled him to enter.
Superfest Award(s): Best of Festival
Purchase Price: $195
Rental: $50/day
Title: No Apologies (video, 28 min.)
Producer: Peni Hall; Associate Producer, Pandoura Carpenter
Distributor: SFWC/Wry Crips P.O. 21474, Oakland, CA 94620 (510) 601-5819
Content: Wry Crips Disabled Women's Theatre brings the issues of disabled women into the general public and validates the experiences of the women in the group. This video was produced, written, performed, directed, and edited by disabled and chronically ill women. It shows performance and interview footage. [open captioned]
Superfest Award(s): Award of Merit (Content) Previous Awards: 1st Place in Performance/Drama, Berkeley Film Festival; Bronze Apple Award, National Educational Media Network
Purchase Price: $35
Title: The Paradox Event (video, 21 min.)
Producer: Paradox Arts
Distributor: Paradox Arts [ATTN: Lori B] P.O. 881943, San Francisco, CA 94188 (415) 487-6292 [email protected]
Content: In 1996, an international company of dancers with and without disabilities gathered in Copenhagen, Denmark. This video excerpts their evening of improvisation, The Paradox Event, loosely based on the ancient Icelandic saga "Ragnarok," which foretells the end of the world. The piece blends themes of body, politics, dreams, eros, and transformation.
Superfest Award(s): Award of Achievement
Purchase Price: $15, plus postage
Rental: To Be Arranged
Title: The Power of 504 (video, 18 min.)
Producer: 504 Sit-In 20th Anniversary Celebration and Commemoration Committee
Distributor: c/o CTP [ATTN: Joni Breves] 2101 Milvia St., Berkeley, CA 94704 (510) 849-2911 [email protected]
Content: This video illustrates the events leading up to and including the historic 26-day sit-in for disability civil rights at the San Francisco Federal Building in 1977. It includes media coverage of the sit-in itself, as well as interviews with the organizers and participants. [open captioned or audio described]
Superfest Award(s): Award of Merit (Content)
Purchase Price: $20, or $22.50 including shipping
Title: Self-Advocacy: Freedom, Equality,
& Justice for All (video, 28:40 min.)
Producer: Jerry Smith
Distributor: Advocating Change Together 1821 University, #306-S, St. Paul, MN 55104 (612) 641-0297 x13 [email protected]
Content: This video explores the genesis of self-advocacy, a human and civil rights movement by persons with developmental disabilities. Archival footage and first person accounts show the influence of the parent's movement, Independent Living Movement, and gay and civil rights struggles of the 60's and 70's. (Written materials included.) [closed captioned]
Superfest Award(s): Award of Excellence Previous Awards: Cert. of Excellence, U.S. International Film & Video Festival
Purchase Price: $199 Rental Price: Free preview
Title: The Ten Commandments of Communicating with People with Disabilities (video, 26 min.)
Producer: Irene M. Ward & Assoc.
Distributor: Program Development Associates (PDA) [ATTN: Perry Como] 5620 Business Ave., Suite B, Cicero, NY 13039 (800) 543-2119 [email protected]
Content: This video focuses on "etiquette for the world." A diversity consultant with cerebral palsy gives a corporation's employees tips on communicating with people with disabilities. He overcomes the employees' initial discomfort and condescension with disarming wit and the ten "commandments" dealing with issues of courtesy, respect, and effective communication skills. (Printed materials included.) [open and closed captioning available, audio described with open caption]
Superfest Award(s): Spirit of Superfest; Award of Merit (Content) Previous Awards: Gold Cindy, Association of International AV Communicators; Gold Chris Award, Columbus International Film and Video Festival
Purchase Price: $195 for non-profit organizations, schools, libraries, and government agencies.
Title: This Is Your Right (video, 1:06:44 min.)
Producer: Irene M. Ward & Associates
Distributor: Program Development Associates (PDA) [ATTN: Perry Como] 5620 Business Ave., Suite B, Cicero, NY 13039 (800) 543-2119 [email protected]
Content: This news magazine features reporters with disabilities and uses features and satirical commercials to show situations and attitudes that people with disabilities encounter. It stresses standing up for civil and human rights in education, employment, and medical care. (Printed materials included.) [Open and closed captioning available, audio described with open caption]
Superfest Award(s): Award of Merit (Technical)
Previous Awards: Bronze Cindy, International Association of AV Communicators
Purchase Price: $139
Title: Vital Signs: Crip Culture Talks Back (video, 48 min.)
Producer: David Mitchell and Sharon Snyder
Distributor: Fanlight Productions [ATTN: Kay Murphy] 47 Halifax St., Boston, MA 02130 (617) 524-0980 [email protected]
Content: The politics of disability are explored through performances, debates, and conversations at a conference on Disability and the Arts. Activists and artists (i.e. Cheryl Marie Wade, Anne Finger, Kenny Fries) discuss media images, the medical world, telethons, mainstreaming, and other provocative subjects. (strong language and nudity) [closed captioned]
Superfest Award(s): Award of Achievement Previous Awards: Grand Prize, Rehabilitation International 18th World Congress
Purchase Price: $225
Rental: $50/day
Producer: Margo Meisel
Distributor: Fanlight Productions [ATTN: Kay Murphy] 47 Halifax St., Boston, MA 02130 (617) 524-0980 [email protected]
Content: This video offers an opportunity to witness how two groups with a common goal, but different communication tools, can bridge language barriers to create a theatrical experience for both deaf and hearing audiences. This documentary follows a cast of deaf and hearing actors as they prepare, "The Glass Menagerie." (Study guide included.) [closed captioned]
Superfest Award(s): Award of Achievement Previous Awards: Silver Apple Winner, National Educational Media Network
Purchase Price: $195
Rental: $50/day
Title: When Billy Broke His Head....and other tales of wonder (video, 56:31 min.)
Producer: Billy Golfus and David Simpson
Distributor: Fanlight Productions ATTN: Kay Murphy 47 Halifax St., Boston, MA 02130 (617) 524-0980 [email protected]
Content: When Billy Golfus, an award-winning radio journalist, was brain damaged as a result of a motor scooter accident, he became one of the 43 million Americans with disabilities -- this country's largest and most invisible minority. In this irreverent, first-person road movie, Golfus, a sort of underground Charles Kuralt, goes on the road to meet people with disabilities around the country, and to witness first hand the strength and anger that is forging a new civil rights movement. [closed captioned]
Superfest Award(s): Award of Merit (Content)
Previous Awards: Freedom of Expression Award, Sundance Film Festival; Media Access Award; Best of Show, Paralympic Disability Festival
Purchase Price: $195
Rental: $50/day
For additional information on the films and producers, please contact us at [email protected].