Superfest International Disability Film Festival


SUPERFEST International Media Festival on Disabilities is an annual media festival produced by Culture! Disability! Talent! (CDT). SUPERFEST honors works that positively and realistically portray the disability experience or warrant technical merit. The following contains a list and description of the award winners of SUPERFEST XX (2000).

For more information about next year's festival, please contact us at [email protected]

Superfest XX Award Winner's List

Best of Festival

Spirit Award (by makers with disabilities)

Awards of Excellence

Achievement Awards

Merit Awards

Description of Award Winners

Title: At the Pub
Producer: Anette and Lars Mullback
Distributor: Lars Mullback, Boörkg 10, Mölltorp, 54627 SWEDEN / [email protected]
Content: You need courage to go to the pub alone when you are handicapped. If a disabled person also feels left out, like an intruder in a world for normal people, every look bacomes a threat. When you expect harassment and contempt, it is easy to miss the love...
Superfest Award(s): Achievement Award
Purchase Price: N/A
Rental Price: N/A

Title: Click Three Times
Producer: Victoria Sampson; Chantal Marie "Grandparent Productions"
Distributor: Victoria Sampson, 6638 Norwich, Van Nuys, CA 91405 / [email protected]
Content: A mentally challenged young woman finds a bag lady hiding in her garage and assumes she is her fairy godmother. Their unlikely friendship brings about healing between Karen and her parents who begin to see their daughter in a new light. Maybe the bag lady really was her fairy godmother.
Superfest Award(s): Achievement Award
Purchase Price: $25.00
Rental Price: N/A

Title: Danny and the Scatman
Producer: Peter Nicks
Distributor: Peter Nicks, 29 Fairview Ave, Piedmont, CA 94610 / [email protected]
Content: "Danny and the Scatman" is the story of how two people have chosen to deal with what many consider a disability. One is a young boy from Pittsburgh who is well on his way to realizing his dream of becoming a film director. The other is an established musician who decided one day that his "disability" could make him rich.
Superfest Award(s): Merit Award
Purchase Price: $25.00 - $175.00
Rental Price: $50.00

Title: Disability Culture Rap
Producer: Cheryl Wade, Jerry Smith
Distributor: Advocating Change Together, ATTN: Jerry Smith, 1821 University #306-S, St. Paul, MN 55104 / [email protected]
Content: Featuring ppoet/activist/performer Cheryl Marie Wade, we take a fresh look at disability in America. Not the usual anthropological study of disabled people as specimens, here we assume that, Yes, Virginia, there is a disability culture, marked by a flat out, no apologies celebration of difference.
Superfest Award(s): Best of Superfest, Spirit of Superfest
Purchase Price: $159.00
Rental Price: N/A

Title: The Disabling Bullet
Producer: Patrick Devlieger and Miriam Hertz
Distributor: University of Illinois at Chicago, ATTN: Brididah Fernandez, 1640 W. Roosevelt, Chicago, IL 60608 / [email protected]
Content: "The Disabling Bullet" narrates the impact of disability through gunshot vilence in Chicago's inner city. Disability here is taken as a metaphor. For some of the men, disability becomes a transforming force, for others it is used to confirm the way of life in the inner city.
Superfest Award(s): Merit Award
Purchase Price: N/A
Rental Price: N/A

Title: A Few Simple Words
Producer: Jerry Smith
Distributor: Advocating Change Together, ATTN: Jerry Smith, 1821 University #306-S, St. Paul, MN 55104 / [email protected]
Content: This documentary tells of the struggles of a small group of activists with developmental disabilities and their allies who insisted the numbered grave markers at state institutions be replaced with proper headstones - and that the state apologize for years of mistreatment and neglect.
Superfest Award(s): Achievement Award
Purchase Price: $149.95
Rental Price: N/A

Title: Good Service Makes Good Sense
Producer: Cathy Crocfer
Distributor: Chevron University, ATTN: Veronika Tverli, 1550 Bryant St #200, San Francisco, CA 94103 / [email protected]
Content: This program is designed to ensure that all customers - regardless of their physical situation - receive the kind of attention, service, and respect they deserve.
Superfest Award(s): Award of Excellence
Purchase Price: N/A
Rental Price: N/A

Title: Independent Today
Producer: Peter D. Collman
Distributor: The Capital Area Center for Independent Living, ATTN: Peter Collman, 1250 Bristol Oaks Drive, Roswell, GA 30075 / [email protected]
Content: "Independent Today" is a series produced once a month through the underwritten assistance and distribution of the Capital Area Center for Independent Living in Lansing, Michigan. Topics in this edition include the Roosevelt memorial and NARIC, a national database on disability.
Superfest Award(s): Merit Award
Purchase Price: $18.00
Rental Price: $3.00

Title: Peak Practice - "Language of the Eye"
Producer: Mervyn Gill-Dougherty
Distributor: Carlton International, ATTN: Stella Williams, Carlton Studios, Lenton Lane, Nottingham, NG7 2NA ENGLAND / [email protected]
Content: Peak Practice is a drama series about a medical practice in England's beautiful Pead District. In this episode, a teenager is offered a cochlear implant to improve her hearing. Her parents want her to be "normal," but she feels her deafness is part of who she is and turns it down.
Superfest Award(s): Merit Award
Purchase Price: By negotiation
Rental Price: By negotiation

Title: Walk This Way
Producer: Kathryn Vander
Distributor: Fanlight Productions, ATTN: Sandy St. Louis, 4196 Washington St, Boston, MA 02131 / [email protected]
Content: Ron Bachman was born with a congenital birth defect that left him with lefs he could not use. At the age of 4, his parents made the difficult decision to have his legs amputated and Ron was trained to use full-leg prostheses. Eventually Ron decided to abandon his prostheses along with the expectations of others. This is a frank and upbeat video about Bachman's fight to live life on his own terms.
Superfest Award(s): Award of Excellence
Purchase Price: $195.00
Rental Price: $50.00 / day

Title: Words from the Heart: Mentoring
Producer: Disabled Women's Alliance
Distributor: Disabled Women's Alliance, ATTN: COrbett O'Toole, P.O. Box 6008, Albany, CA 94706
Content: "Words from the HEart" is an exciting short video filled with first person accounts of disabled women on mentoring and leadership. Women from Ireland to Zimbabwe and beyond share inspiring stories, funny anecdotes, and resourceful strategies. The video also includes on-screen resources.
Superfest Award(s): Merit Award
Purchase Price: Contact distributor
Rental Price: N/A

For additional information on the films and producers, please contact us at [email protected].

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