Superfest International Disability Film Festival


SUPERFEST International Disability Film Festival


SUPERFEST, International Disability Film Festival, is a two-day showcase of juried films held in the San Francisco Bay Area. This annual competition showcasing cutting-edge films that portray disability culture in all its diverse, complex, and empowering facets, is the longest running festival of its kind in the world.

Why is SUPERFEST important?

SUPERFEST is an annual opportunity in the U.S. for film and media artists to introduce potent ideas and images from the disability experience into the cultural landscape, and to build and promote a vital disability culture.

What is the history of SUPERFEST?

SUPERFEST began in 1970 in Los Angeles as a small film showcase intended to encourage greater participation of people with disabilities in the telecommunications industry. Over the years, SUPERFEST has grown into an international media event that honors and celebrates the unique contributions of the growing disability arts and culture movement by exhibiting the most innovative and provocative works from both seasoned filmmakers and emerging media arts professionals.

Who presents SUPERFEST?

Culture!Disability!Talent! (CDT) is a non-profit, collaborative organization that works to transform disability stereotypes by providing access and opportunities for performers and mediamakers with disabilities. Comprised of disability culture artists, activists and allies, CDT promotes artistic excellence and diversity by presenting disability culture events.

What are my chances of winning a SUPERFEST award?

A difficult question, and one we devoted a whole page to. Click on the question above for the answer.

What do I get if I enter SUPERFEST?

Entering SUPERFEST promotes your film because CDT produces a resource catalog listing the content and contact information of ALL (whether or not you win an award) of the year’s festival entrants. The on-line catalog will be posted on our website once the festival concludes. CDT often provides referrals to individuals, organizations, and film festivals that lead to sales and screening opportunities for entrants. If you are selected as an award-winner, your film will be screened at the festival in the San Francisco Bay Area in June, in addition to receiving a recognition award. The winners are also announced in our festival press release and on our web site.

Why is your fee structure different than most festivals?

A review of other festivals shows that fees range from $10 to $105 for a 30 minute piece. We have tried to come up with a fee structure to give a break to independent, low-budget producers, but also help in meeting our costs.

What rights am I signing away when signing the contract realease?

CDT requires a signed release form for permission: to show your work at our festival held in June if it is selected as an award-winner; to retain your entry for up to one year if it is selected as an award-winner to show at smaller SUPERFEST showcases throughout the year; and to exhibit all or portions of your work, for no fee, during SUPERFEST, and before, during, and after SUPERFEST for the sole purposes of promoting your work and SUPERFEST, via any means including but not limited to television, radio, and the Internet. If any opportunity arises to exhibit your entry in any medium for a fee, CDT will be contact you for approval, whether to waive or negotiate this fee, prior to any exhibit.

If I entered a work before, can I enter the same work again?

If you won an award higher than a merit award, you may not enter that work again. Otherwise, you are welcome to enter it again, but the same judging criteria will be used to view your work. However, different panels may score differently.

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